Framework for Resilient-Based Design
Framework for Resilient-based Design
Research focus of our team members is on development and application of an integrated system-level framework that can be effectively used in resilient-based design of buildings with the goal of protecting building content and ensuring building's continuous operation. The framework consists of novel and validated analytical and loss/recovery models that envelope interaction between structural and nonstructural components. It is supported by in-house developed computational tools that rapidly generate information on earthquake consequences (e.g., repair cost, downtime, mean annual loss).
High-fidelity Modeling of Structures
Members of our team are renowned researchers who continuously work on developments and applications of innovative analytical models for simulation of nonlinear behavior of structures subjected to seismic ground motions. High-fidelity computer models used in our simulations allow us to realistically predict structural response and severity of damage to both structural and nonstructural components during earthquakes. This cutting-edge structural analysis technique enables us to gain deep understanding of seismic performance and to provide optimal solutions for a broad range of engineering problems.
Application of state-of-the-art model for reinforced concrete walls in seismic behavior assessment of buildings
Integration of Analytical Tools
Development of Computational Tools
The avant-garde approach to engineering rooted in the essence of our firm fuels our endless desire to do things better. We continuously work on development of new analytical models, computer applications, and integrated analytical platforms that interconnect various components of the seismic-resilient design framework, and help us to improve our precision and efficiency. We strive to push forward the boundaries of structural engineering through development of novel computational tools that bridge the gap between state-of-the-art research and engineering practice, as well as through dissemination of new knowledge to the community.
Framework for Earthquake-Resilient Design of Tall Buildings, 2016-2019, National Science Foundation, PI: Terzic V, Co-PIs: Kolozvari K, Arboleda L. Awarded amount: $520,000.
Development of Performance Based Seismic Design Guidelines, 2014-2018, Applied Technology Council, Consultant for ATC-58-2 team: Terzic V. Award amount: $240,000.
FEMA P695 Study – “Enhanced Ductility” RC Coupled Wall Systems, 2017-2018, Charles Pankow Foundation, PI: Wallace JW, Co-PI: Kolozvari K. Awarded amount: $85,000.
NHERI: Computational Modeling and Simulation Center, 2017-2021, National Science Foundation, Lead PIs: Govindjee S and Deierlein G, Consultant: Terzic V. Awarded amount: $10,900,000.
Terzic V, Kolozvari K, and Saldana D (2019). “Implications of modeling approaches on seismic performance of low- and
mid-rise office and hospital shear wall buildings,” Engineering Structures, 189: 129-146.
Kolozvari K, Terzic V, Miller R, and Saldana D (2018). “Assessment of Dynamic Behavior and Seismic Performance of a High-Rise RC Coupled Wall Building,” Engineering Structures, 176: 606-620.
Kolozvari K, Terzic V, Miller R, and Saldana D (2018). “Seismic Performance of Code- and Performance-Based High-Rise Coupled Wall Buildings,” Proceedings of the 11th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA.
Terzic V, Kolozvari K, Saldana D (2018). “Seismic Performance Assessment of Low- and Mid-Rise Office and Hospital Shear Wall Buildings,” Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Garza J, Terzic V, Qian X, Saldana D, and Ball SC (2018). “Should we Rely on Existing Building Lateral Systems when Retrofitting Buildings?,” SEAOC Convention, Palm Desert, CA.
Kolozvari K, Orakcal K, and Wallace JW (2018). “New OpenSees Models for Simulation of Nonlinear Flexural and Shear-Flexural Interaction Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Walls and Columns,” Computers and Structures Journal, 196: 246-262.
Terzic V and Mahin S (2017). “Using PBEE to Assess and Improve Performance of Different Structural Systems for Low-rise Steel Buildings,” International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 7 (4): 532-544.
Kolozvari K and Wallace JW (2016). “Practical Nonlinear Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 142 (12).
Terzic V, Yoo D, and Aryan AH (2016). “Repair Time Model for Buildings Considering the Earthquake Hazard”, SEAOC Convention, Maui, HI.
Kolozvari K, Tran TA, Orakcal K, and Wallace JW (2015). “Modeling of Cyclic Shear-Flexure Interaction in Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls - Part II: Experimental Validation,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 141 (5).
Kolozvari K, Orakcal K, and Wallace JW (2015). “Modeling of Cyclic Shear-Flexure nteraction in Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls - Part I: Theory,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 141 (5).
Terzic V, Mahin S, and Comerio MC (2014). “Comparative Life-Cycle Cost and Performance Analysis of Structural Systems for Buildings,” Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK.
Moretti S, Trozzo AC, Terzic V, Cimellaro GP, and Mahin S (2014). “Utilizing base-isolation systems to increase earthquake resiliency of healthcare and school buildings,” Procedia Economics and Finance, 18: 969-976.
Martinelli D, Cimellaro GP, Terzic V, and Mahin S (2014). “Analysis of Economic Resiliency of Communities Affected By Natural Disasters: The Bay Area Case Study,” Procedia Economics and Finance, 18: 959-968.
Terzic V, Merrifield SK, and Mahin SA (2012). “Lifecycle Cost Comparisons of Different Structural Systems Designed for the Same Location,” 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.